Enrichment Curriculum

The overarching ambition of the enrichment curriculum is to provide students with additional experiences, skills and powerful knowledge to personally develop and effectively supplement their formal academic studies

Each student will be issued with a ‘personal passport’ (a learning agenda) that will help structure and guide their growth. All enrichment learning will be reported on a termly basis in line with all formal academic learning. The enrichment programme consists of the following but not limited areas:

Key Enrichment Classes  

  • Physical Education –  We will take full advantage of the amazing local sporting and beach facilities by scheduling: basketball, badminton, handball, football, trampolining, athletics, yoga, volleyball, water sports and wider games.
  • Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education, ‘PSHEE’ –  Students will explore, discuss and debate a range of personal and practical topics on a weekly basis in seminar style formats.  This will include occasional guest speakers and input sessions from outside experts to develop knowledge.
  • Philosophy and Ethics – Leading philosophical and ethical theories will be taught, investigated and critically evaluated.  We believe in the importance of a deeper sense of meaning and sense of wonder to life’s biggest questions.  In addition, philosophy is an excellent subject to also improve analytical writing skills and reasoning.
  • Big HistoryBig History examines our past, explains our present, and imagines our future.  Big history introduces students to the evolutionary processes of how the universe, planet, humans and civilization has evolved over 13.8 bn years.
  • Weekly Reading Programme – The power of reading regularly can never be underestimated.  Research signifies that reading widely enhances background knowledge to be able to attain new knowledge along with a healthier perspective of the world.  Key texts will be selected on a termly basis.
Enrichment Programme

Personal Development and Careers Programme

Barcelona schools in English
  • University and Careers Counselling –  A process of research, self-discovery, workshops, guest speakers and university fairs to guide each student to make the best transition upon graduation.  We will use digital platforms to support the application and destination process.
  • Student Work Experience –  We intend to organise students with the relevant work experience opportunities of their interests at a range of professional enterprises.  There will be periods through the calendar whereby work experience will be scheduled.
  • Information Technology Digital Training –  We intend to take full benefit of the Barcelona location for students to develop their wider information technology digital skills and knowledge.

Community and Culture Programme

  • Community Projects –  We will be involved in assisting within meaningful local and wider community projects to contribute to our surroundings and to make a positive difference.
  • Local Excursions – Significant and relevant local excursions will be planned each term to widen learning experiences and contextual cultural understanding.  This will form part of the Spanish and Catalan language/cultural programme.
  • Residential Trips –  We aim to plan national and international residential trips for students to appreciate new cultures and places to broaden learning experiences.
Barcelona schools in English

Extra Curricula Opportunities

Barcelona schools in English
  • Model United Nations –  ‘MUN‘ participation can be a great way for those students who would like to deepen their interest in the world of current affairs and to extend networking opportunities.
  • Private Tuition –  For those students that require or are wishing additional teaching and support in specific subject areas to increase learning outcomes.  This can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
  • Additional extra curricular opportunities and commitments will be supported to accommodate each student.